Dual Body Wrap Holster Rig, BLACK

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price $28.50
MSRP $37.95
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Originally purposed for Civilian detailed Military Contractor security personnel and plain clothes security officers ‘over watching’ VIPs, this rig was designed for a low profile signature, but with ‘fast draw’ use. The rig accepts two medium to large semi auto pistols and they are meant to be pulled from the back utilizing natural flow of the hand grasping the pistol and pulling straight out on the target. The perfect rig for carrying significantly more firepower with backup magazines. Besides locked magazines in the pistols, there are 4 more backup pouches for single or double stack magazines up to 15 rds. each, of 9mm or 40 S&W as an example. On the sides of the rig are two open pockets and one sealed pocket which can accommodate a flash light or flash bang. Last of all is a lean tapered pouch on the bottom edge which can hold a very tapered edged weapon like the one shown in the picture above with a 6.5" blade which we sell separately. The rig secures around your midsection with an ample amount of Velcro and has the similar comfort of what many people use as a synthetic spandex back brace for lifting. Bottom edge is tapered for ease of bending or kneeling. The rig keeps your profile lean and keeps your fire power in the curvature portion of your lower back, which when covered by a vest or large t-shirt, is an ideal location for concealment. 4 suspender D rings are also placed on the top edge in case you choose to use suspenders with this rig. Also acceptable comfort for sitting or driving. Available for individuals wearing Large to 3XL clothing.

Also available in COYOTE BROWN #HOL172